GTA 5 Biker Business

GTA 5 Biker Business

This mod allows you to become CEO of a biker business and do mission to earn money, buy bikes upgrades to fuel the business, undertake missions to increase productivity

To stat you business go to Clay (first image), and purchase the business, start doing missions, or buy some product to increase productivity, you will notice that you have a maximum stock you can purchase, to increase max stock upgrade the business

if Clay doesn’t spawn please reload mods (INS/scrolllock button)

feel like beefing up your arsenal or cruising in Sanctus, Vehicles and weapons can be bought from Clay as well for a nominal fee

Target cars are marked with a red insurgent icon (image 4 & 5)

don’t like where things are going?
you can sell your business at any time (be warned selling your business removes everything you have earned: vehicle, stock, upgrade level, weapon)

When your Stock is full, you can either wait and its value will rise or sell it to earn cash (recommend waiting)

Drop both files in zip int scripts folder

Required mods
Open All interiors:
Online Interiors:


1.4 (Coming soon)
added sub business located in LS
added automatic spawning of Clay
fixed compatibility with Executive Business mod (Coming soon)
fixed glitch of missions not ending
fixed glitches
initial release

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