GTA 5 ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT FIX (Crash on launch/startup)

GTA 5 ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT FIX (Crash on launch/startup)


Hello I was playing gta past days with directx 11 like no problem and today when I started game it crushes at loading with error ERR_GFX_D3D_INIT i found solution but with dx10 and it makes graphic worse. so does anyone knows how to fix it and stay with dx11? and why i got this error now, why not earlier?
ERR GFX D3D INIT fix video:
Or problem solutions
Some has suggested reinstalling directx from within the gta folder (CommonRedist), thats what I did, and so far, it seems to be working for me at least. Just find that DX setup in that folder and see if that solves your problem. Another possible fix for this problem is deleting the d3dcompiler_46.dll and d3dcsx_46.dll and re download those files. Hope this helps :) Also, you should be running the game in windowed borderless, because fullscreen has also been tied to this issue for some reason.
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