GTA 5 Vice City Map

GTA 5 Vice City Map

GTA 5 Vice City Map this Version of Vice City is going to be HD Remastered to live up to the Next Generation. All new buildings, interiors, and many other things will be added. If you would like the Classic Version that uses the Original Vice City Map with Updated Palm Trees, You can use the other mod on the website.

Whats new in update 1.1
•Haiti, Starfish Island, and Ocean Drive now have HD Models and Textures.
• The Roof Access Hallway has been added to the Mansion.
•You no longer fall through the shiny parts of the floor in the mansion.
•All new HD Vegetation.

FiveM client for GTA V

GTA V Vice City Map

You must run the game using FiveM’s client to use this map. Extract fivem’s exe and other files to its own Folder. Then run FiveM.exe and it should install. When its done updating and doing its thing make sure your GTA V Directory is set correctly in CitizenFX.ini.

1. After having FiveM Installed^^^^^^ then go to your FiveM folder with FiveM.exe and drag and drop the usermaps folder I included in the Zip file.
2. Thats all 🙂 Enjoy

Special Thanks:
•TheNGClan- Partner, VC Conversions
Vice City Rage Classic Team- Gta IV Map
• Tmaster – Project Leader, Lead Programmer, Sco Scripter
• Mr.Vegas – Lead Designer, Map Converter
• Frank.s – Sco Scripter
• KamiShinx – Graphics Artist, Trailer
• Znenin – Design, Graphics Artist

Vice Cry Team

How to Use:
Start FiveM and when you reach the menu press the key above tab (`) to open the console. Type Invoke-Levelload Vicecity in the console and press Enter. The game will begin loading the Map. Once loaded you should fall through the floor. Press Pause and Set the Waypoint in the north of the city and press F11. You may have to keep putting down the waypoint until finally you land on the city.

Known Issues:
•When looking at a certain model from an angle it may disappear, I do plan to fix this but currently this is not possible.
•Models in Starfish Island may appear darker then they should be, this was due to prelighting when converting and will be fixed in the next update.

You may not use this modification in a Video If you do not give me credit, or put a link to it in the description.
I am not responsible if this mod gets you banned.

Downloa link: GTA 5 Vice City Map Download

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