GTA V – CriminalsV script mod

GTA V – CriminalsV script mod

This mod will make some crimes start on city at random times or you can trigger them in the mod menu.
*** If you want share or make videos of this mod, please use the following link as reference in description:
Thanks ***
Installation: Check this post
You NEED UPDATED ScripthookVDotNet installed and working to run my mods 😉
Ctrl + N – Show mods menu
D1 (number 1 close to QWE keys) – Select machine gun in special vehicle
D2 (number 2 close to QWE keys) – Select missile launcher in special vehicle
D3 (number 3 close to QWE keys) – Release tyre spikes in special vehicle
Shift – Special boost
No controller support yet
You can change the hotkey in the self-generated .ini file
About this mod
We have crimes like:
Small stores robbery
Bank robbery
Tank robbery
Cash machine robbery
and more…
The script will apply a reduced weapon damage from enemies to make things more possible for normal player, but
if you use a super hero mod with more health like HULK or ironman the damage will be increase to default 🙂
The damage also increases with the respect amount, if you kill enemies their respect level will reduce until -100%
then you will have up to 33% more damage from enemies.
You also can customize some cars in the "Suspicious Garage", a icon (mechanic tools icon) will appear on map.
There you can:
-Fix vehicle
-Add bullet/explosion protection
-Add machine guns
-Add missiles
-Add tyre spikes
-Add special boost
You can use the mod menu to call a special vehicle delivery
You can use the mod menu to call a special ride
Killing cops/innocent people will make the cops respect decrease
If you succeed stopping a crime the wanted level should be reseted to zero
ASI Loader + ScripthookV by Alexander blade
ScriptHookVDotNet by Crosire

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