Rockstar Game Tips: Mastering Freemode Events Part Two

Rockstar Game Tips: Mastering Freemode Events Part Two

Rockstar Game Tips: Mastering Freemode Events Part Two
In the second part of our Rockstar Game Tips for the new GTA Online Freemode Events, we’re looking at the ways to navigate Kill List and Competitive Kill List, Penned In, Dead Drop and Checkpoints on your road to successful mayhem. If you missed the first part of our Freemode Events Game Tips, check out Part One for more pro tips that will help you score big in the Freemode Events.   
First things first – prepare yourself for the potential impending chaos of the Freemode Events. To emerge a survivor and victor in these games, we recommend taking on board the following general tips: 
Stock up on all the essentials. Make sure you’re armed to the teeth with plenty of firepower and ammo to back it up, decent Armor to protect you and Snacks at the ready. A good range of vehicles at your disposal will also be hugely beneficial, so make sure you’ve got a reliable mix – from motorcycles to sturdy off-road wheels – and be ready to call your Mechanic should you need to. Getting airborne may come in handy too, so have a chopper or a plane primed at Pegasus. 
Be generous with those bills by teaming up with others to help you take on those tricky challenges. You can team up and share your cash by going to the Inventory section in your Interaction menu, and selecting Cash. From there, choose which player you’d like to share with as well as a percentage cut. 
Keep an eye out for the purple help text and UI, which will pop onto your screen every so often. These hints will give you some helpful information specific to the Freemode Events. 
Don’t get distracted from your main objective. Staying focused on the prize in all the Events helps you avoid getting caught up in fights with other challengers, which puts you at risk of being defeated by another player.
If you want to avoid auto-targeting your friends during Events, be sure to set your Player Targeting Priority to ‘Strangers.’
Make sure all the guns are manned to maximize your stopping power.
ObjectiveIn this Event, you’ll be taking control of some heavy hitting machinery to duke it out with persistent mercenaries from Merryweather Security. Once you enter the vehicle, the countdown timer will start and you’ll begin to rack up cash and RP for each kill. The Competitive version of this Event allows you and up to three other players to eliminate the Merryweather soldiers. The player with the most kills after 8 minutes will also grab an additional cash and RP bonus.
TipsThe Merryweather Security heavies will be laying down some furious fire so be quick and stay on the move to avoid hits from the mercenaries. Make the most of the industrial vehicles and use the maximum amount of players for each vehicle to deal the most damage. With this boost in numbers per vehicle, work as a team to outmaneuver and take down Merryweather but avoid wasting time or ammunition on the opposing team as you’re unable to damage them. Your focus should be on taking out the Merryweather troops and getting as many kills as you can to build up cash and RP. If you’re hitting the skies with a chopper, players seated in the back should make the most of their heavy weapons and rain down damage from above. Keeping an eye on the radar will help you get the jump on the Merryweather gunships, lay down some heavy fire as they approach to destroy them before they get into their attacking range. Also watch out for Merryweather mercenaries stationed on the ground as they will often be armed with RPGs and will make good use of cover to avoid your fire.
Sticking close to the center of the dome and staying away from competitors is key to success in Penned In.
ObjectiveAs soon as you see that Penned In is about to begin, jump into the nearest ride and find your way into the ring before the timer starts. The goal is to stay within the dome as it begins to move and shrink, attempting to knock other participants out, while doing your best to stay in the area. Your weapons are disabled for this round, so you must rely on expert driving skills to hold your ground and earn the cash and RP rewards. 
TipsAs soon as you get notified of this Event, you’ll need to think quick: an extra few seconds finding the right vehicle could mean you miss out on competing entirely. Bikes have greater maneuverability than cars but players should be wary of being easily knocked off by more heavy-weight contenders. However, while heavier, bigger vehicles are useful for pushing other cars out of the pen, you may find it harder to keep up the pace as the dome speeds up and shrinks in size. For those tempted by a plane or helicopter, don’t forget that the dome has a height restriction – in our experience, steer well clear. Once you’ve chosen your vehicle, race as quickly as you can to get to the purple dome – the combo of a Merryweather pickup and a Mechanic delivery at the destination might be your best move.
Once the Event begins, remember that location is key, so try and keep to the middle of the pen and stay out of trouble. Competition will only get fiercer as the dome gets faster and smaller and there’s less space to occupy. Keep an eye out for direction changes in the dome which could shift your momentum. 
Work as a team, provide covering fire and protect those making a dash for the bag.
ObjectiveDead Drop begins as soon as one person picks up the package that appears on your Radar. From there, each player battles to be the one holding the package when it reaches the destination marked on your map. There are cash and RP bonuses for taking out the holder, while the final carrier will pick up an extra cache as well as bragging rights for a smuggler’s run pulled off successfully.
TipsThere is significant strength in numbers in this Event, as long as you trust your partner to keep you safe and share the cash. Simultaneously driving and shooting is no easy skill, so sharing these tasks between two will turn you into a formidable force. Once you have the package, make a break towards a void of players – it can get tricky when you’re totally surrounded. Avoid tight areas and corners where you could get boxed in with little room to escape. If you’re the one doing the chasing then plan ahead and work out the best routes to counterattack and block the player with the parcel so that you can snap up your chance of victory.
Choosing the correct vehicle for the job will help immensely when collecting checkpoints. 
ObjectiveWhen your Radar lights up with a plentiful number of Checkpoint icons, your objective will be to take to the land, sea or air to collect as many as you can in the allotted time. Before the Event begins, all of the players who want to join in will be directed to an area in Los Santos or Blaine County. Once there, they will then scatter in a mad dash to rack up the most Checkpoints with the aim to win cash and RP bonuses at the top of the leaderboard.  
TipsThis is another Event where choice of vehicle is crucial in deciding whether you can make the top spot or not. Planes are faster but choppers can reach Checkpoints nestled in narrower, smaller places that planes may struggle with. For land Checkpoints dotted across rougher, heavy-duty terrain, consider using an off-road vehicle or a motorbike to speed up collection in tighter spots. Take the time to plan a route on your map, and steer clear of any congested areas – you don’t want to waste precious time reaching a tricky Checkpoint only to have it snatched away from you as you approach. If you’re in a Crew session, this is a great opportunity to test your teamwork skills: if ALL the checkpoints are collected, then everyone involved gets an extra GTA$5,000 and 1000 RP each. Numbers always welcomed by any pocket!
If you’ve already got excellent Freemode Events tips of your own, be sure to drop them in the comments section. We’ll be back with Part Three of our special Freemode Events Game Tips series soon, so stay tuned for more coming your way.
Previously:Rockstar Game Tips: Mastering Freemode Events Part One
Rockstar Game Tips: Mastering Freemode Events Part Two

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