Sticky Bomb Dexterity, Mid-Air Jousting and More Great GTAV Fan Videos

Sticky Bomb Dexterity, Mid-Air Jousting and More Great GTAV Fan Videos
In our Fan Vids round-up we scour Social Club, YouTube and beyond for the best videos created by the GTA fan community. In this edition we’ve found a multi-tasking daredevil of the highest order, some inspired TV intro recreations, two groups of lads who know how to get around and the latest chronicle of Southern San Andreas’ fascinating wildlife.
Onto The Land by 8-Bit Bastard
In the follow-up to the underwater documentary ‘Into The Deep’, ‘Onto The Land’ examines the behavior of some of the most majestic mammals in the Los Santos and Blaine County ecosystem.
High Speed Stickies by salisburymistake
Not content to just use his insane motorbike skills to escape Los Santos’ Finest, Sailisburymistake has the cheek to avoid a trip to the slammer by detonating everyone’s favorite incendiary as he zips past. Watch and learn so that you can recreate these insane top-speed throws next time you’re stuck with a 3-star wanted level.
Marathon Men by Berdu
A jaunty soundtrack and some gorgeous cinematography can’t hide the destruction that Berdu and his pals Rambonaama and ThatLexGuy leave in their wake as they navigate the length and breadth of Los Santos and Blaine County on a glorious summer’s day.
The Stunt Lads Show: SKY JOUST! by HatFilms
The eagerly awaited third installment of The Stunt Lads Show from Hat Films may just be their funniest yet. Having already attempted motorbike backflips into a swimming pool and some extreme golfing, the Lads try some mid-air car jousting across the ravine near the Land Act Dam, with predictably hilarious results.
Next Gen Trailer by aidanrooney95
Blurring the line between pastiche and homage, this entertaining remake of our announcement trailer for GTAV on the PS4, Xbox One and PC caught our attention with its sprinkling of chaos added to every single shot.
FRIENDS recreated in GTAV by Merfish
The One Where Franklin Gets Tazed: Merfish has faithfully recreated the intro to Friends featuring some familiar faces from Story Mode. Also check out Merfish’s GTAV interpretation of another 90s classic opening title sequence in The Fresh Prince of Rockford Hills. 
Share videos you’ve created in the comments below, or post ones from other creators that you find deserving of recognition. For tips and tricks on the GTAV PC Rockstar Editor, make sure to check out our recent series of Rockstar Editor Tips posts as well as the Tutorial page on Social Club. For even more fantastic fan videos be sure to follow us on Twitter where we’re always sharing more spectacular fan creations.
Previously: Return of the BMX Ninja, A Thrust For Glory, Midnight Driver & MoreEpic GTAV Tribute in Dominoes, GYMKHANA Dual-Screen Remake, and an Ode to the Pegassi Osiris
Sticky Bomb Dexterity, Mid-Air Jousting and More Great GTAV Fan Videos

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